headshot of Britton Minor

In 2019, after kids and careers, I returned to school to become a secondary English teacher (a dream I’d held onto for 40 years), and also to expose myself to more than the white bubble I’ve lived in most of my life. I had been learning about systemic racism and investigating my privilege (ongoing) since 2014, but being in school exposed me to more antiracist and CRT literature (and critical perspectives) that changed how I view my role as a future white teacher. I foresee great challenges ahead as I Iearn what it means to only practice pedagogies rooted in diversity, equity and inclusion. These are not buzz words to me but commitments that undergird the goal I have always had—to connect with my students (our future) as individuals who are capable of growing, overcoming obstacles, and building dreams for their lives.


Britton is working with Dr. Madeleine Mejia »