
The Black Writing Lab: Afrocentric Peer Tutoring Strategies in On-Line Writing Center Spaces

This project explores the possibilities of promoting inclusivity in one-to-one peer tutoring spaces. The field of English, specifically Composition is dominated by Eurocentric Masculinist Epistemologies that do not emphasize the benefits of African & African American ways of knowing on current writing & rhetoric literate traditions. The “non-directive approach” in which tutors are trained to ask questions of student writers as opposed to leading these conversations about writing process, serves as the foundation for ways of communicating in English department writing centers. Recent opportunities for online tutoring sessions in writing centers may provide spaces for African American rhetorical modes of tutoring and teaching writing.

Faculty bio:

Headshot of Dr. Bonnie Farrier

Dr. Bonnie Farrier is an Associate Professor of Rhetoric & Writing in the Department of English, Comparative Literature, and Linguistics and the Director of the Writing Center at California State University Fullerton.

She completed her PhD program in Rhetoric & Writing at Michigan State University. Her areas of concentration include Critical Studies in Literacy and Pedagogy (CSLP), African American Language & Literacy, Black Feminist Theory, African American Rhetoric, Community Literacies, Writing Program Administration, and Qualitative Methods in Educational Research.