Emily Arcos

headshot of Emily Arcos

Emily is a senior at CSUF from the department of Geography with a minor in Art. She is also working on getting a GIS certificate.

Sergio Daniel Sifuentes

headshot of Sergio Daniel Sifuentes

Sergio earned his B.A. in History and Spanish Linguistics at UC-Riverside in 2020 and is now pursuing an M.A. in History with concentrations in Chicana/o Studies and Public History at CSUF.

Victoria Garcia

a silhouette of a person against a background of a starry purple sky, with a logo for "DEFCon"

Victoria is a graduate student pursuing an M.A. in history with a concentration in
Chicanx studies. Her research interests include Mexican-American history in LA, the history of Mexican food in the U.S., public history, and gender history.

Yesenia Rivera Rayo

headshot for Yesenia Rivera Rayo

Yesenia is a first-generation student at CSUF. She is pursuing a major in Business Administration and a minor in Chicana/o Studies.

Erin Coleen Robinson

headshot for Erin Coleen Robinson

Erin completed her MLIS at San Jose State University and is now enrolled in their Post-Masters Certificate Program. She is passionate about accessibility through digitization, and working in cultural heritage institutions.

Marian Stefany Navarro

headshot of Marian Stefany Navarro

Marian is a first generation Latina History graduate student concentrating in Public History. She is passionate about museum education and interpretation as well as engaging with the community.

Haritha Govind

headshot of Haritha Govind

Haritha is a cultural anthropology graduate student with previous experience in history, archaeology, and creative writing. Her study interests revolve around food, immigrant communities, and globalization.

Jerad Carson

headshot of Jerad Michael Carson

Jerad is a graduate student at CSUF and the Assistant Director of the Writing Center. As a black queer writer, he is particularly interested in issues of identity, sexuality, and loss.

Yajaira Vilchis-Alvarez

headshot of Yajaira Vilchis-Alvarez

Yajaira is a current M.A. Student in Cultural Anthropology at CSUF. She has interned at Bowers Museum and the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C., and enhanced her skills through the Art Bridges Foundation Internship.